
Derpy Dragons

Created by Therena

It's not procrastinating, it's a side quest. No, really. Inspired by dragons and other life's truths. Pins, hoodies & art inspired by derpy dragons.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We did it! We funded - before launch !?! 🤔🤯Don't forget to vote which pin we should unlock first!
3 months ago – Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 08:02:33 PM

Greetings hoarders,

Wow, I can't express my gratitude enough with the support this campaign has received even before it has launched! Not only did we hit 100 followers (my personal goal before each campaign), but the campaign is fully funded! 🤯😍

When I sent the private invitation to my past backers I hadn't anticipated the overwhelming support I would receive, yet you guys has proven to me once again that I have the best fans ever! Recognizing all your names has given me a permanent smile today (probably all week).

And, you guys have unlocked the first pin  TWO pins at the time of me writing this update!
Now, unlike other campaigns where I call the shots, I am taking a wild gamble and putting you guys in control of how the pins unlock. 🫣 And it will be completely driven by backer votes!

So, take a moment, if you haven't already and vote on the first pin I need to unlock. (Anyone who follow the campaign can vote) I will release a daily vote to see which pins unlock once the campaign officially launches on July 2nd at 12 pm PST to give other backers a chance as well. But knowing the first pin is a huge help as far as marketing goes. So keep your eyes open on those updates and votes to have your voice heard! I want this campaign to be yours as much as possible!

Unless you guys somehow magically unlock them all which would be amazing!) And should we unlock them all before launch I will be morally obligated to throw in another free mini pin or sticker to the early bird backers in the first 48 hours! (Is this a new secret stretch goal? I guess it is!)

Oh, and I wanted to invite all of you to my live launch party!

Where? Right here on Backerkit! I will be drawing a derpy dragon live, chatting, answering questions, and playing imaginary music (because I don't think I am allowed music on twitch?) and giving away random prizes to backers who participate. (Prizes wil be added to your pledges after the campaign ends). I think you might need a twitch account to comment (I honestly have no idea). This is my first swing at the launch party Backerkit offers so I am certain there might be some bumps in the way.

To all the campaign followers, your chance will come soon to join in the awesome fun of Derpy Dragons! And I can't wait to have you be a part of making this derpy, quirky campaign spectacular!

Here is a sneak peek to the new sketches I just drew for new pin concepts! (I am partial to the weird one, because that one is totally not based on me.)

And of course the existing horde of derpy dragons, which you have already met when you followed the campaign page:

Well, I leave you to the rest of your evening, or morning, depending where you dwell.
I look forward to meeting you all on Tuesday! And happy voting!

Yours in art,

PS: If you are a follower seeing this post fear not! This is only the beginning of all the fun I have planned for the campaign! However you are welcome to vote your favourite pin as well! 

PSS: One of my creator friends also have an active campaign right now. So go check it out!