
Derpy Dragons

Created by Therena

It's not procrastinating, it's a side quest. No, really. Inspired by dragons and other life's truths. Pins, hoodies & art inspired by derpy dragons.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Let's play dress-the-dragon plus a SUPER stretch goal announced!
2 months ago – Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 02:04:17 PM

Greetings hoarders,

I hope you are having a wonderful day so far. I know I am, it's windy and finally cooling down a bit. And I had a wonderful bike ride beside the ocean this morning where had lot of time to dream up the next derpy dragons based on your votes.

The not-a-damsel dragon will be an adorable western dragon with stubby wings and arms & legs. And today you will "dress" the not-a-damsel dragon. It was very interesting as all the comments and suggestions were basically what I had already thought of, so we are all on the same wavelength! (Which is awesome ^_^) I can't wait to see what you guys pick for this derpy dragon!

The common-sense dragon will be nautical style, aka sea serpent. ^_^ This one will prove a bit more challenging as I haven't done any serpentile derpies yet! Whereas my Gilded Dragons campaign had a lot of serpants 🤣.

Tomorrow we will dress the common-sense dragon. So give me suggestions in the comments. Keeping in mind it is a sea dragon! So anything you can think of related to common sense and nautical things. (This will also be today's question ^_^)

nother question I have for you guys since many said they would be interested in stickers as add-ons during the pledgemanager. I am thinking 3x3" would be a good size to be able to read the words. And later on I will do a vote on whether we should do vinyl or holographic as holographic is more expensive. But how do you guys feel about 3x3"? Or do you prefer larger or smaller?

Oh, and I almost forgot! I have a super awesome stretch goal I would love to hit for this campaign, and I think it is totally doable. (At least if the graphs are to be believed) My goal is to hit $21,000 for this campaign or 300 backers. And we still have 9 days to do it. (Can you believe we are only halfway done?)

And for the stretchgoal, I decided that I would make a special backer pin, which will be added to all backers if we reach it! Obviously this would be a backer exclusive/limited edition pin since it has the year on it. (Though it would be a SUNenamel pin - the design would be printed on the metal pin vs having raised metal elements like my other pins)   

So, aside from unlocking the last 4 designs (Which we are so close to the next two! Only 3 more backers and less than $500 away!) There is the possibility of EVERYONE getting a FREE pin if we hit 300 backers/$21000!

So share the word about the campaign! And lets get this pin unlocked (Because I really want it too ^_^)  
And if you haven't backed the campaign yet, you can do so

Here are all the designs so far!

Until tomorrow! Happy voting and enjoy your aftenoon!

Yours in art,

PS: Before I say goodbye, I wanted to share some of the artwork for my novel campaign this September! If you love epic romantic fantasy novels and deluxe books for your library, consider following the campaign! I will also have some pins in it (I will share the designs later this week)! And yes, the book has dragons and sea serpents in it and lots of art by me ^_^!

The winning quote is *drumroll*...
2 months ago – Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 12:33:48 PM

Greetings hoarders,

Apparently you guys are all a bunch of common sense damsels dragons!
The winning quote for the 9th design is "I'm not a damsel, I'm a dragon"! We can have a lot of fun with this one!

And the runner up for the 10th design is "Have you tried common sense?"
This one may prove a bit more challenging as common sense and hard mode (how I live) aren't always compatible😂. (just means I need more suggestions from you guys!)

If your quote didn't win, fear not. If there's one thing that I realised it's that these would all make good pins for my next derpy dragon campaign in 2025 🥰😂.

Ok, now that we know that we need a not-a-damsel derpy dragon, let's hear your ideas! Throw some suggestions my way in the comments (for today's entry into the backer giveaway) for either of these quotes. Who knows maybe your suggestion will make it into the final design!

And vote on the type of dragon for the dragons. Again, the top winner choice will go to the damsel and the second winner to the common sense dragon. So choose wisely. Will you vote to win for damsel or for second place to influence common sense? Or...if we get a 100% vote then both would be the same dragon type. 

Let's see how this vote plays out. 

Until tomorrow,
Happy derpy voting!


And the winner of the least popular dragon contest goes to...
2 months ago – Tue, Jul 09, 2024 at 10:26:54 AM

Greetings Hoarders.

I think this has been the most exciting vote yet! Watching (aka hitting refresh a million times a day) the results were quite entertaining. 
But in the end, the drama dragons won out! (You guys can all do fist pumps and shout with know you want to!)

That means that the hungry dragon wil be the 8th design! 

Which brings us to the most interactive part of the campaign. The part where YOU decide what the dragon should look like and what quote we will use! 
Over the next few days, you will get to vote on the quote (today), colours and features like horns, wings and more of the 9th & 10th dragons!! 

These will unlock based on the quote that wins, with the second most popular vote unlocking as the 10th design.

I will try my best NOT to get ahead of myself with the sketches. And hopefully I'll have enough time to make the final reveals for these two by the last two days of the campaign. There were many good quote suggestions. I selected those that inspired images and ideas in my mind as well as some of my personal favourites. I did want to take a moment to thank each of you who suggested quotes as they were all amazing! I can already see a derpy dragon volume 2 coming next year!

For today's entry into the big backer giveaway at the end, tell me what your favourite hobby is! For me it is art, writing stories, reading and playing D&D.

Until tomorrow! 

Yours in art,


Ok my drama dragons, grab the tissues for the next dragon reveal!
2 months ago – Mon, Jul 08, 2024 at 02:21:33 PM

Greetings Hoarders.
Wow, yesterday's vote was a nail biter! There was an equal split on the last poll between the Drama dragons and the "Be a dragon in a unicorn world"!
But in the end the "Be a dragon in a unicorn world" won out with ONE vote!!!

It's ok Drama-dragons, you can cry a little. And then you can come back and vote for the 7th design!

It's the final face-off between the last two dragons! Who will win today's vote?
It could go any direction. Will those dragons in a unicorn world side with the drama-dragons or will they eat the unicorns?

Only the vote will tell and reveal all by tomorrow!

Now, I have some exciting news. I really want to unlock the rest of the dragons. And so I made a brand new stretch goal for when we hit 150 backers. Which means that the next two dragons will likely unlock close together.

We will unlock a design at $13000 and when we hit 150 backers! Both which are really close to happening!

(Just see the achievement bar below ^_^)

So, what can you do in the meantime to help us get these two designs unlocked?
You can share the love by sharing the campaign and telling everyone about the derpy dragons.
Or you can add on more derpy dragons to your own pledge if you haven't already pledged the all in tiers! 

In other exciting news, once we have determined tomorrow's winner, I will need your help in designing the next two dragons. (My goal is to unlock 10 designs this campaign, and I have no doubt that by the end we will hit them all)

But as backers YOU will help me decide what these two dragons will look like! From the quote, to colours, to features. You will be in control with the outcome of the final two pin designs! 

So, for today's giveaway entry, I need your help with those dragon quotes! The best quotes will be entered into tomorrows poll for you guys to vote on, so add as many as you like! Preferably as separate comments so it is easy for me to copy and past them and know them apart from one another. 

Quotes don't have to be dragon related per se. They can be anything quirky, short and life related. Since longer quotes won't really work well on pins it can't be more than 10 ish words. Also, preferably quotes not from copyrighted works. Something more generic, like the ones currently designed.

(Anyone can suggest quotes, however only backers will be entered into the final draw at the end of the campaign!)

I will also scour the internet and recruit my children for possible quotes. 
The top two will be turned into a pin design! 

So, get those scribblers ready and tell me your quotes!

Also, I was on another side quest this weekend, and drew another derpy dragon as a full illustration!
Here is living life in hard mode ^_^ Now added to the art prints! (Though sadly not the art book as he will live in my future Derpy Dragon art book! 

Oh, before I go, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in these dragons as 3x3 vinyl stickers? Either regular or possibly holographic? I might add them as a stretchgoal if there is enough interest! 

Yours in art,

PS: You can back the campaign here if you haven't yet! Help us unlock the next two dragons!

Oh to be creatively dramatic - 5th dragon reveal
2 months ago – Sun, Jul 07, 2024 at 10:54:05 AM

Greetings hoarders,

I trust you are enjoying the weekend. So far I am, in ways I haven't expected. On Friday, I took the kids to the beach and actually swam instead of just reading a book. (My mind was too busy thinking to focus anyways) And yesterday I procrastinated did a completely random side quest and illustrated another derpy dragon, which I will share with you tomorrow!

I also find myself looking forward to making these updates for you! Partly because I love seeing everyone's comments (Thank you to those who have shared quotes, books and other draconic experiences btw! I love reading them all ♥). And partly because I keep refreshing to see which of the dragons you guys vote for!

I have never liked social media, but somehow this feels different. Being able to talk with and interact with like minded weirdos and dragon lovers like myself is a surprisingly enjoyable experience!

Speaking of updates, it's time to reveal the 5th unlock dragon. And the winner is *drumroll please*

"Fueled by Creativity"!

This design has a bit of a story behind it. A few months ago I went to my personal trainer and it was in the midst of a stage in my creativity when I was highly inspired. I talked her ear off with my idea for my novel I was writing, and she in turn kept adding weights. It wasn't until after when I was more sore than normal that I realized I was working harder the more passionate I became. 

So we joked that I was fueled by creativity, and ever since then I wanted to turn it into a shirt. (Which I already ordered now that I have the art ^_^)

And speaking of fueling creativity. I always find myself way more productive and creative during campaigns that go really well (like this one). And instead of being tired, I create even more art. So, for today's treat, here is the fully illustrated Fueled by creativity illustration!

He has also been added to the art book, as well as will be available as one of the wall art selections now!

I don't know if I will be able to fully render all the derpy dragons, but I will share any I do as the campaign progresses, because they make me giggle and smile. Which, if you have followed my art for a while, is not usual as a lot of my art tends to be darkerand more serious.

Speaking of serious, you guys have your work cut out as we reach the final 3 pre-designed dragon pins. And now you have to vote which one will be the 6th unlocked design!

I can't wait to see which one you guys have picked!

For today's entry into the backer giveaway, I want you to tell me you favourite season, and or weather. Then I want you to describe a feature of a dragon who would represent/embrace this season/weather. (Making you guys work a little for today's comment!)

For myself, my favourite season is Autumn and my favourite weather is storms with high winds and lightning. A dragon I can see who embraces this would be a giant copper coloured, winged dragon who loves flying through the storm. Lightning crackling over its skin as it roars like thunder.

Now it's your turn!

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Yours in art,

PS: If you haven't backed yet, now is your chance to help us unlock the 7th derpy dragon design! You can back the project, or share this with friends and family who need these dragons in their lives!